Yes, Sometimes I get sad
Yes, Sometimes I wanna give up
And yes, sometimes I even wanna die
Sometimes the thoughts I have
Drive me crazy
Sometimes I think
I am going insane
Thinking thoughts
I’ve never thought
I could never
Go through with them
Hurting myself
That’s okay
I can learn
To be strong
But these thoughts
They need
To go away
I can feel myself
Slipping away
Farther into
The dark abyss
I am not strong
If I was
I wouldn’t feel
Like this
Please help me
Or better yet
Let me slip away
Into the void of darkness
I don’t want
To give up
But I want to die
I want this feeling
To go away
I feel like
Two different people
One person
Wants to die
To slip away
Into the darkness
The other
Knows life gets better
That it’s okay to live
The first one
The dark one
Is slowly
But surely
Getting stronger
This is what I feel
I know it’s wrong
But I don’t know
How to feel
Anything else
I’m sorry