Lately life has been getting me down. I'm far from family and friends, the people here confine me to my room alone day after day because i stood up for myself. Let me tell you one thing confining a suicidal depressed person to a room by themself day after day is not a good idea.
I now have no access to medication or therapy, they cut funding for uninsured people and now i cannot get help. I'm scared of what this will do to me.
I'm trying to get back in school but i have very little access to internet other than the internet on my phone. No one will take me to the library.
The staff here are treating me as if I'm worthless. They won't let me interact with my peers. They make me stay in my house/room all day every day. They won't take me out, even going grocery shopping is a fight.
I can feel myself slipping. I can feel the depression coming back. I don't know how I'm going to make it out of this. Once the meds leave my system i don't know what I'm going to do or how I'm going to survive.