Friday, March 2, 2012

Gotta Love Family -.-

Okay, so first of all, Dad I know you read this blog. I know this is going to upset you, but it is how I feel.
Here's what happened. Last night my step mom randomly starts sending me pictures of my siblings starting with one of my baby sister. (she's adorably cute and needs to stop growing up by the way) Anyways, I was super happy to see these pictures, because I miss them all so terribly much. I would go see them, but they moved to Florida, and I live in Michigan. Then I asked her to email them to me. I did that because I was at dinner and having my phone going off constantly was getting a bit aggravating since meals are really the only time I have to spend with my friends. (Though my friends enjoyed seeing the pictures and how cute they all are.) So she told me she wouldn't email them to me because they are really private and don't want them to end up on my facebook. I have two things to say about that. First, Do you really think that there is no possible way for me to get the pictures from my phone to facebook? Really, are you that naive? Second, they're going on facebook because you pissed me off last night, so congrats on that :) Then she started in on this whole rant about how it is my choice that I never came to see them. My life has been consumed by college for the last two years, I have barely any time for the friends that I live with, let alone people I don't live with. It hurts me so much not to be able to watch them grow up. Not to be able to love them the way I want to. In fact, there are many nights that I cry myself to sleep because I am missing out on their lives. I already feel like a piece of shit for being too busy to see them, but you really had to go and make it worse? Thanks a bunch, I appreciate it.

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